1. dolphins use echolocation to locate objects underwater,much like whales.which of the following statement best describe how dolphins use this technique. echolocation allows dolphins to _____.
1. locate objects by transmitting high-pitched sound pulse or click in their foreheads that send sound signals into the water. 2. hear sounds under water, they make use their lower jawbones that conducts souno to their middle ear. 3. locate objects, they sense the returning sound vibration by feeling the pulses on their jaws. 4. locate objects, the echo produces by sound bounce off objects.
A. 1 and 2 only B. 1 and 3 only C. 3 and 4 only D. 1,2,3, and 4
2. which of the following describe why dogs hear better than human?
A. the ears of dogs are controlled by up to 18 muscles,while humans are equipped with only six and can only move their ears slightly. B. this dogs can tilt and rotate their ears to funnel the sound into the inner ear more efficiently C. the canine ear canal is considerably longer than the human counterpart. muscles allow it to finely tune the position of this inner ear canal so that it can localise a sound D. All of the above 10. ROYGBIV is the basic component of light. among the colors below, which color of light carries the lowest energy?